
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Parenting with a Purpose

I recently read an excellent article in my favorite magazine, Above Rubies*.  Nancy Campbell urges parents not to settle when it comes to raising children.  Many of us just try to survive the teen years, believing that we are victorious if we manage to produce children who have escaped the dangers of the world.

Is that really good enough?  Shouldn't we instead be striving to raise children who reveal the love of God to the world - who shine light into the darkness?  If we train our children to go on the offensive, we won't be cowering defensively hoping to avoid a catastrophe.
So, exactly HOW do we accomplish this?

  • Through fervent prayer for the hearts and minds of our children to be turned to God.  
  • Fill your home with God's word - read it aloud, display favorite verses, practice memorizing Scripture together, listen to Scripture-based music . . . there is no such thing as too much truth! (John 8:31-32, 2 Tim. 3:14-17)
  • Surrounding our children with a community of families who are training up a generation of strong, well-grounded young people.  Get away from compromise!  (1 Cor. 10:14; 1 Thess. 5:22)
  • Modeling a faith-driven life for our children and involving them in hospitality, service and decision-making.
Don't be afraid to make tough decisions that your children may not initially appreciate: what kind of media enters your home, who your children can hang out with, how you will celebrate holidays, etc.  The reward for the way you train your children is priceless!  It will affect the quality of their lives, their friends and neighbors, your grandchildren, and the world!  

We CAN raise up children who will have an impact on the world!

*Subscriptions to Above Rubies are FREE!  I highly encourage you to subscribe today!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dads - Praying for your family!

Hey guys!

I was over at a website called Marriage Missions and saw a video by Pastor Mark Driscoll. He explains in this video how he prays for his wife at night, and it spoke to me, so I've started doing the same! And what an impact it has had!

We've recently started going in and praying over our children at night as well. Not just praying with them, but actually laying hands on them and praying for them. Every night.

Gentlemen, the battle is ours and we are responsible for our selves, our wife, and our children. Pray for them, pray with them, and pray over them. Daily! It is so important!!! Teach your boys to be Godly men, and your girls to be Godly women!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Raising Girls

We recently watched a speech by Voddie Baucham called "Getting Your House in Order."  He introduced a concept that we had never considered before, but is absolutely true: as a society, we are raising our girls to become men

When Adam and Eve sinned, Adam/man was cursed with hard work, while Eve/woman was cursed with painful childbirth.  Now, however, women are carrying both curses!  We are training our girls to pursue a career outside the home, leaving their children to be raised by someone else.  I want better for my daughters! I want to give them the gift of allowing them to be what God created them to be. 

Please consider whether you could possibly quit working outside the home and stay home for your children, to homeschool them yourself and train them to be the women, wives and mothers, that God designed them to be.  It would be a blessing beyond compare.  It has been for us!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hello All!

Welcome to Modern Sojourners!

We hope you will enjoy your visit! In the near future we will be blogging about our walk with Jesus and how we are trying to live in His Kingdom. The world fights us tooth and nail, but we are fighting back! We'll be talking about all the ways we have found to fight back, and how God is blessing us!

Thanks again for stopping by!